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Stash and share your political content or data for free on your own private cloud. Generate public links, collaborate in groups, run polls, and more.

Login or register for the PolitiStash Cloud. Only an email is required.

Questions or technical issues? Contact us at


We utilize the latest and greatest infrastructure and open-source technology to provide the best experience for our users. There is no charge to use and collaborate on the PolitiStash Cloud. We have no advertisements and share no data.

Help us run our platform and implement new features by donating below. 

Keep your privacy and own your data.

The PolitiStash Cloud is feature-rich with more integrations and tools being implemented.

Connect using a mobile or desktop app:

Download the Nextcloud app on Android or iPhone and connect to the PolitiStash Cloud from your mobile device.

When prompted, connect to the PolitiStash Global Server:

For questions or technical issues please contact: